Soft gommage for facial skin deeply cleansing pores and pulling out blackheads with Kianoush Turkmen sage

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HALAL. EAST MAGIC "Royal" If you suffer from blackheads, clogged pores, micro- and macro-inflammations on the skin - this mask is exactly what you need! Gently but effectively cleanses the pores of the skin, while disinfecting, and without disturbing the lipid balance. The richest composition of herbs acts immediately in 6 directions: disinfection of pores, healing of inflammation, normalization of sebum secretion, moisturizing, nutrition and skin tone. Fantastic result! Powder masks are the perfect complement to pre-made face and hair masks - mix them with pre-made options for a quick application. Advantages of dry masks: * An ideal base for an active mask, in which you can add any ingredients or use it in its pure form; * It is stored for a long time and does not require special conditions; * the richest composition that does not conflict with each other; * Suitable for absolutely any skin and hair; * Universal means of application: for skin, hair, body, wrap, paste, applications, rinses, masks and tonics; * Excellent unique composition for the preparation of handmade cosmetics; * One tool can replace a whole arsenal of care: a mask, a shampoo, a hair mask for dandruff and hair loss, a scrub, a tonic, a serum, and treatment, and preventive care, as well as the treatment of inflammatory diseases, injuries, etc. * You can make any concentration - from liquid (rinsing), to thick and concentrated (application); * Variations of formulations for use: a mixture with decoctions, hydrolates, infusions, just water or oils for dilution, adding a dry product to finished cosmetics or homemade cosmetics, etc. * Many preparation options: simple dilution with water or hydrosols, brewing, alcohol or oil tincture, decoctions (for tonic), decoctions and infusions in a thermos, preparation of serums, herbal baths, massage bags, steam steaming of the skin, inhalations, etc. How to use: Facial mask option: Dilute the dry composition with hot water or heated hydrosol to the consistency of sour cream (or use other liquids). If desired, add straight-pressed oil or a mixture of oils, colorless henna, gassul or bailun clay, resin oils, sour cream, honey, berry pulp and other components to your taste. Leave for 10 minutes and apply on face and d?collet?. Hold until dry, rinse with water. Treat the skin with a hydrosol or natural cream. Apply if necessary. * Collection of herbs saturates the skin with antioxidants and nutrients of herbal juice, and also has a unique rejuvenating, scrubbing, lifting and cleansing effect. * Hydrolat conducts active substances deep into the skin. * Bailun clay intensively scrubs the skin, draws out impurities, and contributes to the slow drying of the mask. * Ghassoul clay gives amazing consistency, intense mineralization and ease of application and rinsing. * Direct-pressed oils actively nourish, resin oil gives an amazing aroma, as well as a unique lifting and anti-inflammatory effect. * Berry or fruit puree saturates with live vitamins, * dairy products whiten the skin and give a healthy glow, * honey and bee products have an antiseptic and soothing effect on oily, inflamed skin. * Colorless henna cleanses any skin, has an anti-inflammatory, whitening and skin toning effect. Body Wrap Option: Apply the finished composition, as for a face mask, to areas of the body in need of lifting or volume reduction. Additionally, add essential oils to the composition (citrus for anti-cellulite effect, resinous for skin tightening), resin oils and crushed resin for an amazing skin lifting effect, and bailun or gassul clay for intensive scrubbing and detoxification. Wrap the body with cling film on top, wrap and hold for 1-2 hours. Rinse with water and apply a draining body cream. Apply 2-3 times a week. Hair mask option for dandruff and oily scalp: Dilute the dry composition with tea tree, chamomile, calendula, lavender or sandalwood hydrosol heated to 40 degrees (or a mixture thereof). Insist 10 minutes. Add 12-in-1 or 18-in-1 Bedouin oil blend, ghassoul clay and 1 egg yolk, honey, 1 tsp cognac, cologne or spirits, 1 spoon of natural hair shampoo. Apply the mixture to the hair roots, wrap with a plastic cap and a heated towel. Keep for 1-2 hours, rinse thoroughly with water and, if necessary, natural shampoo. To destroy dandruff, a course of 2-3 masks every other day is enough, then 1 time per week or if necessary. A variant of the mask for hair growth: dilute the dry composition with hibiscus, neroli, musk tree, sandalwood, cornflower, or a mixture of them heated to 40 degrees. Insist 10 minutes. Add usma oil, 12-in-1 Bedouin blend, or enriched amla oil. You can add gassul clay, bailun and 1 yolk, a spoonful of cognac or strong kefir, 1 spoonful of natural hair shampoo. You can also add, varying: * sour cream, * brewer's yeast, * onion paste, * alternate different oils for hair growth, * colorless henna, * green tea, * honey and bee products, * henna oil, * tincture or oil mixture with burning pepper, * crushed sea salt, etc. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Keep for 1-3 hours, rinse thoroughly with water or use a natural shampoo. Frequency of application - 1 time per week. Option for hair shine mask and natural shampoo: Make a mixture of dry composition, colorless henna for hair, ghassoul clay and water or any hydrolat. The mixture should be warm, almost hot, the thickness of sour cream. Insist 10 minutes. Add any hair oil (a little), lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp cognac or alcohol (can be replaced with cologne), a little natural hair balm or natural shampoo. Apply to the entire length of pre-moistened hair and wrap with polyethylene and a towel. Keep from half an hour to 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly with water or natural shampoo. Rinse hair with water and add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice, or 2 tbsp. hydrolat. Thanks to this mask, the hair acquires a magnificent shine, liveliness, grows better. Ideal for use on oily, dull and split ends. For normal hair, this remedy will bring amazing shine, friability and health for a long time, without the slightest harm. Not addictive! The option of preparing a tonic for skin and hair: dry mixture (you can add additional powdered resins to enhance the lifting effect) brew with water, boil or infuse in a thermos. Dilute herbal decoction 1/1 with any hydrolat according to skin type and add 1 tsp. cognac or alcohol in a glass of tonic. Wipe the skin after washing before applying the cream, and also add to the water to rinse the hair. You can rub the mixture into the hair roots with dandruff, hair loss, increased oiliness or itching of the scalp. For baths: Option 1: add a strained or non-strained brewed mixture along with the necessary components (henna, honey, fatty and essential oils, etc.) to a hot water bath. For 1 bath - a glass of solution. The second option: tie herbal powder in 2 layers of gauze and dip in a hot bath for 10-15 minutes, then take a bath as usual. Applications: Make a thick paste of herbal powder and antiseptic hydrolat (chamomile, lavender, calendula, tea tree or sandalwood). Apply to the inflamed area, such as a pimple or boil at night, seal with a plaster. Massage bags: brew the mask to a thick cream, put it in linen bags and use it in Indian massage, passing along the massage lines of the body, pressing at the active points. Ingredients: powder: acacia catechu seeds (Acacia catechu), Turkmen sage leaves (Salvia turcomanica), yarrow inflorescences (Achillea millefolium), alfalfa seeds (Medicago sativa), lawsonia inermis colorless henna powder, papaya leaves (Carica papaya), isfagul plantain leaves (Plantago ovata). Country: Syria. Weight: 100 g Storage: in a dark place, do not leave under direct sunlight. Production: Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria. Try different things - choose the best at Secret-Vostok.rf!
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